Tomb Tower at Barda, Azerbaijan

The tomb tower at Barda was erected in CE 1323 (722 AH), by a builder named Ahmad bin Ayyub al-Hafiz of Nakhichevan. Locally it is said to be the Mausoleum of Ahmad Zocheybana. The village of Barda used to be an important town in the tenth century and became a resort for the Il-Khanid rulers, who had their provincial capital at Maragha. The cylindrical brick structure is similar to other tombs in the wider area. The building is 14 meters high. The conical roof is a modern addition.

The Tomb Tower at Barda, Azerbaijan

Wall pattern

Tomb Tower at Barda, Azerbaijan - wall pattern

Transliteration of the kufic in the pattern.

Detail from the tomb tower at Barda, Azerbaijan



(four times around centre)


ArchNet - Tomb Tower at Barda, Azerbaijan